Dear customer, To organize the sales process, We ask that you review the following before completing the purchase process: Completion of the purchase will be considered as acceptance of these terms:

first: View Products

The display and marketing of products on the site is in no way construed as a recommendation to suit and compatible any product with the customer’s desire and need. Therefore, the customer is responsible for ensuring that the product suits his needs by reviewing the information included on each product page. On the introductory pages,

On the introductory pages, Shipping and delivery:

1- The expected delivery period is 2-5 working days after the order is confirmed by the customer if the chosen payment method is payment upon receipt.

2- The customer must enter the recipient’s name and delivery address correctly. If there is an error in the address or contact numbers, this may cause the shipment to be delayed, not delivered, or additional fees to be imposed by the shipping company or delivery representative.

3- The expected time of arrival of the goods is an estimated time. We will do our best to receive your order as quickly as possible. However, the order may be delayed for reasons beyond the store's control.

4- The customer’s order may be delayed for reasons related to the customer himself. Such as not being present at the delivery location, Or he does not respond to the delivery representative’s call, Or request to change the delivery address, In such circumstances, neither the store nor the delivery company is responsible for the delay.

5- The store may change the shipping company chosen by the customer without consulting the customer if the shipping is free. It may also be changed if shipping is paid, provided that the store returns the difference in fees to the customer if the fees after the change are lower.

6- If the shipment arrives damaged internally, the customer must inform the shipping company before receiving the order. Then inform the store directly.

7- If the order is delivered to the shipping company before receiving the cancellation request, Or if the customer does not receive the order for a reason attributable to him, The shipping company returned the shipment to our warehouse and imposed fees for the shipment and return. These fees will be deducted from the amount returned to the customer.

8- These fees will not be imposed on the customer if the store is not charged fees by the shipping company.